♥ CIP day! :D
Hi guys!
I edited this post because the initial one was done too hastily. :D
Anyway, Happy New Year! xD
Aren't we great to share the festive joy with our neighbours
that spreads all the way to Lot 1?
We sure are.
Those neighbours better finish our oranges up.
Cause we had to sacrifice our skins cells,
standing under the freaking damn hot sun. -.-
Here are some pictures I took.
I didn't manage to take a lot of pictures.
Because I was too preoccupied by the burning sensation on my skin.
enjoy~~ :D
our oranges! :D
got so tired meh? =.= Yaa lah. Got place to sit down and sms must faster take the chance. (:
okay. this is dark... :D
Here's a brighter one! :D
02 huats!
-gigi :D
And so, goodbye @ 7:43 PM
♥ Hello world!
This is the new blog of 202'09!!!
Scream and shout all you want!! xD
We've decided not to change the blog skin because there isn't anymore suitable ones out there.
And I do hope that everyone
is enjoying the year of Sec 2! :D
Just remember that..
New Year,
New Class,
New Friends made.
Compromise is the word people! (:
Okay okay!
Homeworks still sucks!
Waking up so early in the morning still sucks!
Climbing all the way to the fourth storey still sucks!
( Teachers? I don't know. O.O )
But hey!
Whatever that sucks, there's always things that rocks! xD
-Gigi! xD
And so, goodbye @ 7:01 PM